A University for everyone

The University of Vigo holds as a priority, following the Agenda 2030, to raise awareness on the respect culture, on the equality and on the inclusion, guaranteeing that everyone on our community can carry out their academic and professional life with dignity, in a space free of male violence against women, and in an environment of the highest respect for the human rights.

The Equality Unit counts on the following resources:

Equality in the Faculty

In the Faculty of History we have as a priority objective to implement actions which contribute to the equality within the centre, especially between men and women without forgetting any type of diversity.

In order to achieve this objective we promote the information and active participation in the programmes of the Equality Unit of our university, as well as providing communication channels to detect problems in these areas.


Equality liaison officer in the centre

Beatriz Comendador Rey
+34 988 387 141