The Royal Decree 1393/2007, which establishes the organization for official university degree programmes, and which is modified by the Royal Decree 861/2010 of July 2, states in the article 24.2 that: “Within a period of six years after the date of initial verification or from the date of the most recent accreditation, official bachelor’s degrees and PhDs programmes must have their accreditation renewed according to the procedures and time periods that the Autonomous Communities establishes in relation to the universities under their scope of authority. Master’s degree programmes must also be subjected to the indicated procedure within a period of four years”. Article 27-bis establishes that the initial accreditation of official degree programmes must be periodically renewed based upon the date of their verification by the “Council of Universities” or the date of the most recent accreditation.

In accordance with the cited legislation, the evaluation process for renewal of accreditation must include, in all cases, a visit by experts from outside the university. Within the Autonomous Community of Galicia, the “Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System” (ACSUG) is responsible for performing the assessment for renewal of the accreditation, in accordance with the evaluation protocols that were jointly established among the evaluation agencies that comply with the European Quality Criteria and Standards.

Further information:


Degrees which have renewed the accreditation

Master’s Degree in Valuation, Management and Protection of Heritage

Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History

Inter-university Master’s Degree in Archaeology and Antiquity Sciences