The Faculty of History takes part in the institutional mobility programmes by supporting the outgoing students and receiving the national and international incoming students

The Faculty of History offers plenty of national and international stays that students can request either for a term or a whole year.
The destiny list is not closed and it is possible, earlier than a year before the stay, to sign a new agreement. For all the stays the student assures, using a study contract, the recognition of the studies developed outside in subjects with the same number of credits than in the home university. The stays can be requested from the 1st to the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s Degree or while the Master’s Degree is being carried out.

In order to promote this mobility, the International Relations Office organices briefings in the Faculty to explain the administrative issues. The coordinator of International Relations is responsible of all the academic affairs, counselling the interested students.

Once the student is selected, in the case of an international stay, the International Relations Office provide a dossier including a wide informative guide on the main aspects: the trip, the possible visa, the health care, the grants, the language preparation courses, the study contract, the enrolment and the credit recognition.

During the stay in the destination university the coordinator performs a monitoring of the students and their activities, staying in contact continuously, especially on email, and tries to answer the possible questions, forwarding them to the International Relations Office if necessary.


Specific Regulation

Places offer

List of selected students


Previous Years

List of selected students ERASMUS+
2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022

List of selected students SICUE
2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022


International Relations Coordination

Antonio Presedo Garazo
+34 988 387 115