The Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History offers a multidisciplinary vision including knowledge on History, History of Art and Geography that qualify to develop the professional activities related with the degree

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Historical and cultural management in public bodies and in private companies
Nowadays, the tourism sector is considered strategic in a local, provincial and autonomic levels. Without the historical, artistic and geographic knowledge it would be impossible to offer these products in these context.

Organisation and development of cultural events
Other aspects closely related with the previous one and much alive at present is the organisation of cultural events commemorating or celebrating an historical or cultural event. In order to develop these activities is important to deeply know the milestone to be highlighted; this is the only way to organise appealing activities which can make this singularity known in any geographic scope.

Management of cultural institutions (museums, art galleries, exhibitions…)
The contents on these institutions only gain meaning if the objects there are understood or if it is known where to go to learn about them.

Materials and contents design for cultural webpages and educative applications
The training on three fields (History, History of Art and Geography) enables to select elements of interest and to suggest the disclosure of those.

Consultancy for mass media
All the news related with the fields of the degree must receive advice from people specialised on those. This advice is also essential for the new dissemination channels for history: TV series, films, historical novels, videogames…

High School teachers
The plural and diversified education on the three fields (History, History of Art and Geography) offered in the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History matches with the subjects required in the civil service exams for high school teachers.

Planning and management on tourism development
Nowadays, the tourism sector is considered strategic in a local, provincial and autonomic levels. Without the historical, artistic and geographical knowledge it would be impossible to offer these products in these context.

Some of the subjects in the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History involve the performance of practices in the records, with documents which cover different matters and different geographic scopes. This competence can be applied in other requests like the research of private interest documents (inheritances, territorial boundaries, genealogical trees).

Specialists in historical archives, museums and libraries
The knowledge on the materials in these institutions and the content of the degree enables, if necessary, an easy access to the civil service exams regarding these careers.

Archaeological operations
Nowadays the activities related with archaeology (archaeological prospection, cataloguing, excavation…) are not included into any regulated profession. Different experiences in this field, offered as External Internships, enable a first approach.

Pieces of art conservation, exhibition and trade
The contents in the field of History of Art in different times and places mean the acquirement of basic knowledges which enable to link a training more specialised in this field.

Territorial planning and management in institutions and companies
The acquired knowledges in the field of geography in different territories, as well as some techniques used in this field, are essential to establish the performance parameters at a local, provincial and autonomic levels.