
The main objective of this degree is the knowledge of the humanity’s past for a better understanding of its present. Therefore, the education provided by the Bachelor’s Degree in History enables to:

  • Know the main humanity’s change and continuity events and processes from a diachronic perspective from prehistory to today’s world paying special attention to Spain, Europe and Latin America
  • Acquire the analyse methods, techniques and tools for historian to critically review any type of resources and historical documents
  • Know the most relevant concepts, categories, theories and topics of the historical research different branches (economic, social, political, cultural, gender, etc.) as well as appreciate the importance of the various economic, political, cultural and social contexts
  • Acquire the hability to communicate using the accepted by historiography terminology and techniques
  • Acquire the hability to read historical texts and documents in the mother tongue, as well as transcribe, summarize and catalogue information pertinently
  • Acquire the hability to correctly identify and use information resources for historical information
  • Obtain the hability to correctly use the information recopilation tools (bibliographic catalogues, archival inventories and electronic databases)
  • Use the informatic and internet resources and techniques to ellaborate historical or related with History data
  • Read, analyse and interprete the archaelogical register



Basic Competence 1 (CB1):
Students should show they have acquired and understood the knowledge in a field of study underpinned by general secondary education and which is usually at a level which-while drawing on advanced text books-also includes certain aspects that imply being familiar with the cutting edge of this field of study.

Basic Competence 2 (CB2):
Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and should have the skills normally demonstrated through the ability to develop and defends points of view and to solve problems related to their field of study.

Basic Competence 3 (CB3):
Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

Basic Competence 4 (CB4):
Students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Basic Competence 5 (CB5):
Students should have developed the necessary learning skills in order to continue studying with a high level of autonomy.


General Competence 1 (CG1):
Understand the territory (environment, society, culture) from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.

General Competence 2 (CG2):
Understand the processes developed in the different temporal and spatial scales and in different socio-cultural contexts.

General Competence 3 (CG3):
Acquire the necessary skills to register, analise and interpret the relevant data geographic and historic nature.

General Competence 4 (CG4):
Develop the skills linked to the development, transmission and management of “know” and “know how” acquired, as well as the results of the critical thinking.

General Competence 5 (CG5):
Assess the society needs and problems and the contributions (in terms of effective contributions) arising from the historical-geographical scope, taking into account the essential social and gender equality, the disabilities and the peace education.

General Competence 6 (CG6):
Apply those in the context of the academic and/or professional future; and create the bases for future postgraduate studies, specialised and/or multidisciplinary.


Specific Competence 1 (CE1):
Stablish professional relations in order to identify the most suitable form of intervention.

Specific Competence 1 (CE1):
Knowledge of the keys and development of the field of Physical Geography.

Specific Competence 2 (CE2):
Knowledge of the keys and development of the field of Human Geography.

Specific Competence 3 (CE3):
Knowledge of the keys and development of the geographical areas (physical, human and economic aspects) in the socio-territorial dynamic.

Specific Competence 4 (CE4):
Critical awareness related with the geographic, physic and human phenomena, in different territorial levels.

Specific Competence 5 (CE5):
Integrate the spatial and temporal dimensions in the explanation of the territorial processes.

Specific Competence 6 (CE6):
Knowledge and application of the main methods and techniques in the geographical research.

Specific Competence 7 (CE7):
Proper use of the geographic data as a tool of interpretation of the territorial systems.

Specific Competence 8 (CE8):
Development and application of the fieldwork procedure

Specific Competence 9 (CE9):
Analytical and interpretation of the landscapes skills.

Specific Competence 10 (CE10):
Capacity to connect, synthesize, and express geographical information in graphic and cartographic systems.

Specific Competence 11 (CE11):
Knowledge and development of skills in the field of territorial planning.

Specific Competence 12 (CE12):
Critical awareness related to the current and past events and processes.

Specific Competence 13 (CE13):
Respect awareness regarding the different points of view derived from the cultural/national precedents.

Specific Competence 14 (CE14):
Knowledge of the general diachronic structure of the past.

Specific Competence 15 (CE15):
Knowledge of ancient languages.

Specific Competence 16 (CE16):
Detailed knowledge of one or more specific periods of the past of the humankind.

Specific Competence 17 (CE17):
Ability of reading historiographic texts and original documents in the own language as well as transcribe, summarize and catalogue information pertinently.

Specific Competence 18 (CE18):
Knowledge and ability to use the information compilation tools like bibliographic catalogues, archive inventories and electronic references.

Specific Competence 19 (CE19):
Knowledge of the own national history.

Specific Competence 20 (CE20):
Knowledge of the European history in a comparative approach.

Specific Competence 21 (CE21):
Knowledge of the European integration history.

Specific Competence 22 (CE22):
Knowledge of the universal history.

Specific Competence 23 (CE23):
Ability of identify and adecquatly use information sources for the historical research.

Specific Competence 24 (CE24):
Critical awareness of the spatial-temporal coordinates in the History of Art.

Specific Competence 25 (CE25):
Diachronic approach to the Universal History of Art.

Specific Competence 26 (CE26):
Diachronic regional and complete approach to the territorial artistic phenomenon.

Specific Competence 27 (CE27):
Particular and elective knowledge of the History of Art.

Specific Competence 28 (CE28):
Knowledge of the different approach methodologies to the History of Art.

Specific Competence 29 (CE29):
Systematic and integrated knowledge of the artistic acts: different languages and production techniques through the history.

Specific Competence 30 (CE30):
Knowledge of the main literary and documental sources in the History of Art.

Specific Competence 31 (CE31):
Basic knowledges in the iconography as a key to the image interpretation.

Specific Competence 32 (CE32):
Practical knowledge of the basic processes of the scientific methodology of History of Art.

Specific Competence 33 (CE33):
Knowledges on documentation, material composition and building techniques of the artistic movable and immovable goods.

Specific Competence 34 (CE34):
Instrumental knowledges applied to the History of Art.


Transversal Competence1 (CT1):
Ability to analyse and synthesis.

Transversal Competence2 (CT2):
Knowledge application.

Transversal Competence3 (CT3):
Organisation and planning ability.

Transversal Competence4 (CT4):
Oral and written communication in the own language.

Transversal Competence5 (CT5):
Information and knowledge management ability.

Transversal Competence6 (CT6):
Problem resolution and decision making.

Transversal Competence7 (CT7):
Critical thinking ability.

Transversal Competence8 (CT8):
Ethical commitment and social responsability.

Transversal Competence9 (CT9):
Teamwork in different contexts.

Transversal Competence10 (CT10):
Attention to multiculturalism and diversity.

Transversal Competence11 (CT11):
Ability of independent learning.

Transversal Competence12 (CT12):
Capacity to face contigencies, creativity and leadership.

Transversal Competence13 (CT13):
Initiative and entrepreneurship.

Transversal Competence14 (CT14):
Motivation for quality.

Transversal Competence15 (CT15):
Sensibility towards environmental topics.

Transversal Competence16 (CT16):
Knowledge about other cultures.