Designation of the Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Geography of History in the University of Vigo
RUCT Code: 2500996
Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities
Number of ECTS: 240 ECTS
Duration: 4 years – 8 terms
Verification Date: 10/06/2009
Implementation Year: 2014/2015
Date of Accreditation: 12/07/2017
Type of education: Classroom and blended learning
Number of entry-level places: 45
Language of the Degree: Spanish, Galician
Teaching centre: Faculty of History
Campus of Ourense
Degree coordination: Mª Beatriz Vaquero Díaz
Responsibility of the degree: Julio Prada Rodríguez
Permanence Regulation: University of Vigo Regulation
Credit Recognition: University of Vigo Regulation
Degree Report: Current report