Information prior to the enrolment

The means of admission are the general established by the University, being able to study the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History all the graduated with the Baccalaureate diploma in any of the branches.


Access can be granted through the following certificates:

  • Baccalaureate diploma and passing of the admission test for the university, according to the law 6/2001 of Universities (article 42).
  • Educational Cycle certificate in higher grade and in vocational training.
  • University degrees.
  • Admission tests for people over 25.
  • Equivalent certification to the ones described above.


The knowledges, skills and capacities acquired in Baccalaureate are considered enough to enter the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History. The following interests and skills are considered specially suitable for this degree:

  • Interest in the knowledge in the past which determines our roots and the meaning of our culture.
  • Interest in the knowledge on the artistic manifestations.
  • Interest in the knowledge of the physical and natural environment.
  • Comprehension and open mind towards the historic, racial and cultural diversity.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Taste for reading.
  • Oral and written expression skills.
  • Knowledge in foreign languages.
  • Basic social skills for teamwork.
  • Specific terminology in History, Art and Geography.



Entry and access requirements

In this section is fundamental the Order EDU/1434/2009, of May 29, which regulates the conditions to Access the official university degrees and the admission procedures of the Spanish public universities, and specifies: “if there are special access criteria or tests, the regulation and contents must be specified”.

In the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History there are no different access requirements derived from the places limitation for new access students of the ones in the current regulation for bachelor’s degrees.

In the Autonomous Community of Galicia the CIUG (Galician Inter-University Commission) manages the access process for the university degrees in the Galician University System (SUG).

There are no additional test for the access to the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History, only following the established by the CIUG:

  1. To have passed the test PAU established in the RD 1892/2008, of November 14, or according to the previous regulations, to have any of the following certificates:
    • Baccalaureate diploma related with the articles 37 and 50.2 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.
    • Baccalaureate diploma established in the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of General Organisation of the Education System.
    • Supporting certificate of having passed the University Orientation Course.
    • Supporting certificate of having passed the pre-university course.
    • Any other certificate declared equivalent by the Education Ministry, to these effects, to the Baccalaureate diploma regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.
    • Certificate standarised to the Spanish Baccalaureate diploma for students from foreign educative systems
  2. To fullfill the requirements demanded for the university access in the European Union states members or of other states with which Spain has signed international agreements in this subject, according to what it is referred in the article 38.5 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.
  3. To have passed the admission test to the university for people over 25, included in the 25th additional provision to the Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, of Universities, or to have passed, on the Galician University System, following the previous regulations.
  4. To have passed the test to the university for people over 45, included in the article 42.2 in the Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, of Universities, included in the Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12.
  5. To have a certificate as higher technician in vocational training, plastic arts and design or higher technician in sports, as included in the articles 44, 53 and 65 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, or equivalent qualifications.
  6. To have an oficial university bachelor’s degree, a degree corresponding to the previous regulations on university (three-year degree, five-year degree, engineering, etc.), or equivalent qualifications.
  7. To fulfil the requirements to access to the university according to the educative regulations before the RD 1892/2008, of November 14, not foreseen in the previous sections.



The entry into force of the Organic Law for the Improvements in the Education Quality modifies the access and entry requirements for the official bachelor’s degrees from the Baccalaureate certificate or equivalents established in the article 38 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of May 3, on Education, and introduces the 33rd and 36th additional provisions which respectively define the access for those in who are in possession of the European and International Bachelor diplomas and for students from European Union member states, or other from states with which international agreements have been reached, and in the access from the qualifications of Higher Technician and Higher Technician in Sports, and for students with a certificate, diploma or degree obtained or developed in foreign countries, equivalent to the Baccalaureate diploma.

According to the new Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, the access to the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History will follow the provisions of the Minister, the Autonomous Community of Galicia, through the CIUG, and to what the development of the regulation of the University of Vigo provides.