The main objective of the quality and maintenance actions is the improvement of a set of criteria associated to the training processes which ensure the proper functioning of all the aspects related to the academic field

The Quality Guarantee System of the Faculty of History must guarantee the quality of all the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in this centre, being developed according to the different stakeholders in the academic life. Therefore, the continuous updating of the Quality Guarantee System in the Faculty of History is seen as an essential objective, as it is the permanent dialogue with the different groups, in order to attend and satisfy the different demands and needs. An adviser from the Quality Area of the University of Vigo took part in its design and development, and the Quality Committee was in charge of its adaptation to the specific needs of the Faculty of History, following the ANECA requirements.

Following the guidelines in the programme FIDES-AUDIT, the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) issued the corresponding positive evaluation for the design of the Quality Guarantee System for our centre the 26/04/2010.

Later, on the 28/07/2017, the ACSUG issued as positive the certification report of the implementation of the Quality Guarantee System, and dated 04/04/2024 the the renewal report of the QGS implementation certification.

The basic documentation of the Quality Guarantee System in the Faculty of History consists on the following documents:


Monitoring of the centre QGS