The Master’s Degree in Archaeology and Antiquity Sciences is a combination of a professional and a research degree. From the professional point of view, it aims to prepare archaeologists able to develop their professional career in this field in the next years; from the researching point of view, it leads to the PhD programme of the University of Santiago de Compostela “History, Geography and Art”, and to the programme “Cultural Heritage Protection” of the University of Vigo.

This is an inter-university Master’s Degree, in the (University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo) and the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit) of the Spanish National Research Council takes part on it.

Degree Report


Degree Webpage


General data of the Degree

Designation of the Degree Inter-university Master’s Degree in Archaeology and Antiquity Sciences
Branch of knowledge Arts and Humanities
Type of education Classroom education
Educational system Full time/ Part time, Continuous training
Language of the Degree Spanish, Galician
Number of entry-level places 20 places
Number of ECTS (36 MA + 18 EI + 9 MDFP)
Duration 1 year
Degree Coordination (University of Vigo) Susana Reboreda Morillo
Teaching centres Faculty of Geography and History (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Degree Verification 18/05/2020



Susana Reboreda Morillo
Faculty of History


Area of Posgraduate Studies
988 368 803 | 988 368 910 | 988 368 909