O TFG debe ser un traballo persoal no que o estudantado constrúa un discurso propio. Cando se empreguen ideas ou palabras doutra autoría acreditarase explicitamente a súa procedencia

The Bachelor’s Degree Final Project is a mandatory 12 ECTS credits subject that takes place in the second term of the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History. It includes the student’s defence of a monitored project in which the educative contents and competences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and History are applied and develop in an integrate way. It cannot be in any case a previously presented assessment in any subject of the degree, even though it might integrate or develop working lines started during any stage of the degree.

The project can be an experimental work, theoretical, on research or use of historical sources, artistic productions, cartographic materials, etc., on literature review or thematic deepening, a report on a fieldwork or a report on activities (cultural and heritage management, museums, technological applications, etc.) in fields related with the degree.


Faculty of History | University of Vigo


BDFP offer by the teaching staff | Defence of the BDFP public call | BDFP provisional qualification minute | BDFP final qualification minute | BDFP individual evalution minute | BDFP qualification review minute


BDFP proposal by students | Non-acceptance appeal of BDFP or mentor | BDFP title or mentor change | BDFP deposit act | BDFP cover


Bachelor’s Degree Final Project Committee

  • Prada Rodríguez, Julio – Dean
  • Prada Rodríguez, Julio – BDFP Coordinator
  • Rodríguez Teijeiro, Domingo – Academic Staff (Secretary)
  • Reboreda Morillo, Susana – AS (by dean’s delegation)
  • González Jorge, David – Students
  • Rodríguez Bouzas, Josefa – ASS



Schedule for the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

Bachelor’s Degree Final Project Calendar 2023/2024
Bachelor’s Degree Final Project Calendar 2024/2025



Julio Prada Rodríguez
+34 988 387 288


Previous years

BDFP assignation:
2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022 | 2020/2021 | 2019/2020 |

Deffended BDFP:
2023/2024 | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022 | 2020/2021 | 2019/2020 |